Don't miss the opportunity to be among the first to try our platform. Sign up for the waiting list to gain early access to our solution and transform your financial management.

Don't miss the opportunity to be among the first to try our platform. Sign up for the waiting list to gain early access to our solution and transform your financial management.

Don't miss the opportunity to be among the first to try our platform. Sign up for the waiting list to gain early access to our solution and transform your financial management.

Try Klear Beta

Try Klear Beta

Try Klear Beta



Easy to activate and access any time

Complete overview

Dashboards and advanced categorization tools

Wealth management

With an AI Agent that answers your questions



With plans for different needs

A solution designed to help you keep your finances and goals under control and provide answers to your questions, assisting you in making informed and conscious financial decisions.

Why Klear?

Why Klear?

A solution designed to help you keep your finances and goals under control and provide answers to your questions, aiding you in making conscious and informed financial decisions.

100% digital

Easy to activate and access any time

Wealth management

With an AI Agent that answers your questions

Complete overview

Dashboards and advanced categorization tools

Transparent rates

With plans for different needs

Why Klear?

100% digital

Easy to activate and access any time

Complete overview

Dashboards and advanced categorization tools

Asset management

With an AI Agent that answers your questions

Transparent rates

With plans for different needs

A solution designed to help you keep track of your finances and your goals, providing answers to your questions, helping you make informed and conscious financial decisions.


On your profile, you have a complete overview of your finances, constantly updated and personalized.

  • Integrate all your bank accounts automatically

  • Customize categorization of transactions and expenses

  • Dynamic profile that integrates information, risk profile, interests, and passions

  • Monitor investments with tools to clarify returns

AI Agent

Ask financial questions and request information and suggestions from your personal digital financial advisor.

  • Advanced AI algorithm that provides personalized answers based on information and data about each user

  • Interactive interface to guide the user through a reflective process

  • Tool that enhances financial awareness by answering questions in real-time


Define your financial goals correctly and easily track your progress.

  • Definition of achievable financial goals, with deadlines and amounts, with the assistance of the AI Agent

  • Integration of accounts and assets to monitor the achievement of savings goals

  • Personalized notifications on progress towards your goals [Coming soon]

and analysis

Export clear and intuitive reports on every aspect of your financial position and profile.

  • Monthly report with detailed analysis of expenses and spending habits to support more informed decisions [Coming soon]

  • Analysis of financial documents presenting key indicators (such as costs, risks, and returns) [Coming soon]

  • Insights to simplify understanding and comparison between financial products [Coming soon]

On your profile, you have a complete overview of your finances, constantly updated and personalized.

  • Integrate all your bank accounts automatically

  • Customize categorization of transactions and expenses

  • Dynamic profile that integrates information, risk profile, interests, and passions

  • Monitor investments with tools to clarify returns


Join waiting list

Ask financial questions and request information and suggestions from your personal digital financial advisor.

  • Advanced AI algorithm that provides personalized answers based on information and data about each user

  • Interactive interface to guide the user through a reflective process

  • Tool that enhances financial awareness by answering questions in real-time

AI Agent

Join waiting list

Define your financial goals correctly and easily track your progress.

  • Integration of accounts and assets to monitor the achievement of savings goals

  • Personalized notifications on progress towards your goals [Coming soon]


Join waiting list

Export clear and intuitive reports on every aspect of your financial position and profile.

  • Monthly report with detailed analysis of expenses and spending habits to support more informed decisions [Coming soon]

  • Analysis of financial documents presenting key indicators (such as costs, risks, and returns) [Coming soon]

  • Insights to simplify understanding and comparison between financial products [Coming soon]

Reporting and analysis

Join waiting list


On your profile, you have a complete overview of your finances, constantly updated and personalized.

  • Integrate all your bank accounts automatically

  • Customize categorization of transactions and expenses

  • Dynamic profile that integrates information, risk profile, interests, and passions

  • Monitor investments with tools to clarify returns

Join waiting list

AI Agent

Ask financial questions and request information and suggestions from your personal digital financial advisor.

  • Advanced AI algorithm that provides personalized answers based on information and data about each user

  • Interactive interface to guide the user through a reflective process

  • Tool that enhances financial awareness by answering questions in real-time

Join waiting list


Define your financial goals correctly and easily track your progress.

  • Definition of achievable financial goals, with deadlines and amounts, with the assistance of the AI Agent

  • Integration of accounts and assets to monitor the achievement of savings goals

  • Personalized notifications on progress towards your goals [Coming soon]

Join waiting list

Reporting and analysis

Export clear and intuitive reports on every aspect of your financial position and profile.

  • Monthly report with detailed analysis of expenses and spending habits to support more informed decisions [Coming soon]

  • Analysis of financial documents presenting key indicators (such as costs, risks, and returns) [Coming soon]

  • Insights to simplify understanding and comparison between financial products [Coming soon]

Join waiting list


  • Profile Image

    Emilia, 34


    Ho collegato tutti i miei conti a Klear e finalmente vedo tutto in un colpo solo. La categorizzazione automatica delle spese è utilissima, mi ha fatto capire dove vanno davvero i miei soldi ogni mese. Non pensavo fosse così semplice tenere tutto sotto controllo."

  • Fabio, 36


    Mi sono messo l'obiettivo di comprare casa tra due anni e Klear mi sta aiutando a risparmiare. Mi piace vedere i progressi che faccio mese dopo mese e capire quanto manca al traguardo. L'AI mi ha anche suggerito alcuni trucchi per mettere da parte di più.

  • Gianluca, 27


    I recap mensili sono una svolta. Prima non avevo idea di quanto spendevo in abbonamenti e delivery. Ora ho tutto chiaro e sono riuscito a tagliare un sacco di spese inutili. La parte bella è che non devo fare niente, Klear fa tutto in automatico.

  • Fabio, 28


    Non ne capisco molto di finanza, ma con Klear riesco a gestire i miei risparmi senza impazzire. La dashboard è chiara e l'assistente AI risponde a tutte le mie domande senza farmi sentire in imbarazzo. Finalmente ho iniziato a occuparmi seriamente dei miei soldi.


  • Profile Image

    Emilia, 34


    Ho collegato tutti i miei conti a Klear e finalmente vedo tutto in un colpo solo. La categorizzazione automatica delle spese è utilissima, mi ha fatto capire dove vanno davvero i miei soldi ogni mese. Non pensavo fosse così semplice tenere tutto sotto controllo."

  • Fabio, 36


    Mi sono messo l'obiettivo di comprare casa tra due anni e Klear mi sta aiutando a risparmiare. Mi piace vedere i progressi che faccio mese dopo mese e capire quanto manca al traguardo. L'AI mi ha anche suggerito alcuni trucchi per mettere da parte di più.

  • Gianluca, 27


    I recap mensili sono una svolta. Prima non avevo idea di quanto spendevo in abbonamenti e delivery. Ora ho tutto chiaro e sono riuscito a tagliare un sacco di spese inutili. La parte bella è che non devo fare niente, Klear fa tutto in automatico.

  • Fabio, 28


    Non ne capisco molto di finanza, ma con Klear riesco a gestire i miei risparmi senza impazzire. La dashboard è chiara e l'assistente AI risponde a tutte le mie domande senza farmi sentire in imbarazzo. Finalmente ho iniziato a occuparmi seriamente dei miei soldi.


  • Profile Image

    Emilia, 34


    Ho collegato tutti i miei conti a Klear e finalmente vedo tutto in un colpo solo. La categorizzazione automatica delle spese è utilissima, mi ha fatto capire dove vanno davvero i miei soldi ogni mese. Non pensavo fosse così semplice tenere tutto sotto controllo."

  • Fabio, 36


    Mi sono messo l'obiettivo di comprare casa tra due anni e Klear mi sta aiutando a risparmiare. Mi piace vedere i progressi che faccio mese dopo mese e capire quanto manca al traguardo. L'AI mi ha anche suggerito alcuni trucchi per mettere da parte di più.

  • Gianluca, 27


    I recap mensili sono una svolta. Prima non avevo idea di quanto spendevo in abbonamenti e delivery. Ora ho tutto chiaro e sono riuscito a tagliare un sacco di spese inutili. La parte bella è che non devo fare niente, Klear fa tutto in automatico.

  • Fabio, 28


    Non ne capisco molto di finanza, ma con Klear riesco a gestire i miei risparmi senza impazzire. La dashboard è chiara e l'assistente AI risponde a tutte le mie domande senza farmi sentire in imbarazzo. Finalmente ho iniziato a occuparmi seriamente dei miei soldi.

Try Klear Beta

Try Klear Beta

Try Klear Beta


How do you protect your users' personal data?

How does the AI Agent work?

Klear connects to my bank accounts?

Is Klear free?

How do you protect your users' personal data?

How does the AI Agent work?

Klear connects to my bank accounts?

Is Klear free?

How do you protect your users' personal data?

How does the AI Agent work?

Klear connects to my bank accounts?

Is Klear free?